Improving the air quality in your home is a simple step that you can take to improve your overall health and well-being. I recently heard someone sharing a story about a friend who had been experiencing eczema. After a process of elimination, it was discovered that the air fresheners in her home were the cause and once removed her eczema disappeared. Most of us would not even consider the quality of the air in our homes to be something that affects our health. We often consider it more a part of our decor or the overall feel of our home. We want our living rooms to smell warm and cozy, our kitchens to smell like lemons, and our clothes to have a fresh scent. These smells, created by synthetic fragrances found in candles, soaps, laundry detergents, and air fresheners, can be inviting to some, but can come at a cost to the health of our families, and removing them is the first step in improving home air quality.

Remove Fragrances From Your Home
Headaches, eczema, allergies, respiratory issues, and hormonal disruption are health issues linked to synthetic fragrances. Many synthetic fragrances contain chemicals that are known to be endocrine disruptors. These chemicals can be ingested through smell or through the skin. Once ingested they mimic your body’s natural hormones causing potential issues for your thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands, ovaries, and pancreas. Hormonal disruption in these areas is linked to infertility, cancer, acne, and so many more health issues. A small amount of exposure may not harm your health but overall accumulation from years of exposure can lead to these issues.
How do you get started removing fragrances to improve home air quality?
- First, pick the item that is the easiest for you to swap out with a cleaner choice or remove altogether. I would recommend starting with candles. They are easy to throw away, give away and replace. There are many clean options on the market, look for beeswax based candles that help to purify the air with no added fragrance on the label. (learn more about this below). Good options include: Branch Basics, Primally Pure and beeswax candles on Amazon.
- Next, remove soaps and lotions that are scented with synthetic fragrances. Lots of popular brands include synthetic fragrances so look for options that say “no synthetic fragrances” or “fragrance-free” and always check the label. If it says fragrance or parfum look for another brand. I find no matter what the package says on the front, it is always important to check the ingredient label. Some good brands to try include: Branch Basics, Molly’s Suds ,and Aleavia.
- Lastly, laundry detergents should be replaced with “free and clear” options. This will ensure you are not ingesting synthetic fragrances through your skin. Some options include: Molly’s Suds, ECOS and TrulyFree.
Burn Bees Wax Candles
Beeswax candles are an easy and relaxing way to improve home air quality. Conventional candles use paraffin wax that is made from petroleum, plus synthetic fragrances release harmful chemicals into the air. Beeswax, on the other hand, is a natural substance that helps to purify the air instead of releasing toxins into it. When a beeswax candle is burned negative ions are released into the air. These ions can attach to dust, bacteria, and pollutants, helping to neutralize them, improving home air quality. There are lots of great quality beeswax candles on the market but they can be expensive, so I love to buy them on Amazon.
Grow Indoor Plants
Growing indoor plants is another easy and inexpensive way to improve home air quality. Studies show that some plants are able to absorb mold and other pollutants. Some plants like the spider plant have even been shown to remove formaldehyde from the air. Through photosynthesis plants take in carbon dioxide and pollutants and filter back out oxygen improving home air quality. A few plant options to have indoors include: spider plants, snake plants, peace lilies and rubber trees.

Open Windows Often
Opening windows in your home is a simple and free way to improve home air quality. Opening windows for at least five minutes a day allows fresh air to flow inside and indoor air to flow out. If possible you can open windows on opposite sides of the house allowing the air to flow more freely, freshening and improving home air quality.
Invest in an Air Purifier
Last on the list of ways to improve home air quality is to invest in an air purifier. If you are someone who deals with asthma or is sensitive to dust or mold a quality air purifier is a great way to improve your home’s air quality. Air purifiers can remove dust, pollen, smoke, and smells. Certain brands, like Air Doctor, are even powerful enough to remove viruses, bacteria, and mold. If you live in a city or an area with lots of smog an air purifier is a good investment. Make sure to look for a brand that uses a HEPA filter, ensuring the most dust and debris is being filtered out of your air.
Hope this post helps you on your non-toxic living journey. The easiest place to start is with what you have, so open some windows and allow the fresh air from outside to flow in.
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Love this! Incredibly helpful and great for a fresh start to the New Year.
Love these suggestions!