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Toddler nighttime routines can be a huge struggle. Between finding the cleanest and safest products, cleaning dirty feet, managing dry skin, and fighting sleep, getting the littles to bed can be exhausting. As a new mom, I was consumed with finding the perfect products to use on my son. I wanted to make sure everything was clean and adding to his health, not full of chemicals that would add to his toxic load. So, after years of research and testing, I have a few non-toxic recommendations that make our nighttime routine more relaxed for me. Keep reading to learn more about our nontoxic nighttime essentials.
1. Bath Salts
I love bath salts for their soothing and healing properties and mineral content. Epsom salts help to soothe irritated skin, relax muscles, and can help to replenish magnesium stores. Magnesium is used for so many processes in the body but is also helpful for relaxation and sleep. Giving a toddler an Epsom salt bath can help to soothe them for an easier transition to bedtime. Some Epsom salts contain artificial fragrances so make sure to check the label and look for brands that only list magnesium sulfate. Another one of my favorite nontoxic toddler essentials for bath time is dead sea salts. They are another great way to replenish minerals and help your toddler to have a restful night’s sleep. I try to give my toddler an Epsom salt and dead sea salt bath at least once a week.

2. Non Toxic Toothpaste
Non-toxic toothpaste is an obvious choice for a non-toxic toddler night time routine. I look for brands without fluoride since fluoride is a neurotoxin. I choose to use toothpastes that have clean ingredients and help to remineralize the teeth to prevent cavities. As a holistic nutritionist, my favorite brands include Wellnesse and RiseWell.
3. Tallow Lotion
Homemade tallow lotion is a great way to soothe a toddler’s dry or irritated skin and is a staple in our nontoxic nighttime routine. I love to use tallow lotion on eczema spots, sunburns, and rashes. The vitamins in tallow lotion, vitamins A, E, D, and K, help to restore and soothe the skin. The fat-soluble vitamins in tallow lotion can also be absorbed into the skin, helping to replenish nutrient stores. The creamy consistency also protects the skin in the wintertime from dry air and wind. Tallow lotion is so easy to make and cheaper than buying it pre-made. All you need is rendered tallow from a trusted, local if possible, source. Find a recipe to create your homemade tallow lotion here (coming soon).
4. Magnesium Lotion
Magnesium lotion is a non-negotiable non-toxic toddler nighttime essential, in our house. I use it too and is one of my favorite ways to improve sleep quality. It has so many amazing benefits but for bedtime, my favorite is its ability to aid in relaxation. It always helps my toddler to fall asleep quickly. We even use it during sickness for a more restful night’s sleep. Look for a brand that uses clean. Quality ingredients that are safe for children. My favorite brand is Earthley Wellness.
5. Organic Cotton Pajamas
Organic cotton pajamas are the perfect cozy non toxic toddler night time essential. I always get so jealous when my little one snuggles up in his organic jammies. They are so soft and I don’t worry about toxic chemicals like flame retardants on his skin. Since you are putting in all of the effort to use non-toxic products to protect your child from unnecessary chemicals it is also important to choose quality clothing with natural fabrics. We have tested a lot of brands but I think Burts Bees pajamas have the best fit and are the softest.

Why Choose Non-Toxic Products
Creating a non-toxic toddler nighttime routine is an important part of keeping your toddler healthy. Unnecessary chemicals found in bubble baths, lotions, toothpastes, clothes and more can add to your little ones toxic load. To stay healthy and prevent the risk of disease it is important to lessen your toddler’s toxic load. Minimizing toxins can allow the body to function properly so that it can fight off illnesses and stay healthy. Real food is also an important part of staying healthy too but choosing quality products to use on your toddler is an important piece of the puzzle.
Free Non-Toxic Toddler Essentials Guide
If you have a toddler and need a little help finding non-toxic options check out my free guide, Non-toxic Toddler Essentials. Just fill out the form below to get your free copy.
More Non-Toxic Living Resources
Non-toxic living is one of my favorite things to research. I love to help others to understand why some products are toxic, where to find cleaner options and how to choose the best non-toxic options. I’ve created a few resources that can help you and your family to lead a more non-toxic lifestyle. If you would like to learn more about non-toxic eating check out my Clean Eating E-book. It’s a downloadable guide that walks you through all the different categories of food and how to choose the cleanest options when shopping. I also offer a clean eating grocery shopping list that is a free download. If you would like to start by learning more about how to remove toxins from your home, check out my blog post on How to Improve Home Air Quality. Lastly, I have one more free resource that is a downloadable guide to help you to lessen your overall toxic load. It is a great way for family’s to get started.
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